Your Horoscope This Week: 2nd To 8th June

This first full week of June begins with a loving connection between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius. Then on the 3rd, Mercury joins the sun, Venus, and Jupiter and enters Gemini for three-week journey. Under this influence, our minds may be racing with different ideas and visions about how to switch up our lives for the better, and as a result we may find it hard to stay focused on mundane tasks. 
Later this week, the Gemini new moon strikes on Thursday 6th June at 12:37 p.m. GMT. This new moon sets us up for a six-month stretch of intellectual discovery, unexpected adventures and a strong desire to embark on unprecedented new chapters, both individually and collectively. The fact that this lunation occurs during the final degrees of Mars in Aries means that we’ll feel a fiery push to go after what we want, and stop making excuses about why we can’t get it. 
With this influx of mercurial energy in the cosmos, all zodiac signs would benefit from setting new moon intentions between 6th and 16th June. Make sure they’re the type of intentions that make you feel free and liberated to pursue whatever your heart is truly yearning for.
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this week’s Jupiter-Pluto trine on 2nd June allows you to blend your desire for greater self-expression with your need to know who your true friends are. Start off the week doing something adventurous and carefree with your ride or dies. If you’ve experienced misunderstandings in your friend group lately, they’re likely to clear up as the month of June begins, and you’ll feel emotionally at ease. 
The Gemini new moon on the 6th highlights your sector of communication and helps get you out of whatever funk you may have felt during last week’s conjunction between Mars and Chiron in your sign. You now understand why you had to face your fears and insecurities — the breakdown you recently experienced has led to a major breakthrough. Take time to vividly envision where you’d like this breakthrough to take you next. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, the week begins with a harmonious alignment between Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini. This energy encourages you to release your need to have everything play out exactly as you’d like it to. What would it look like for you to surrender to the present moment and not overthink what’s happening next? Spend less time ruminating in your head as the month of June begins, and spend more time moving your body and letting go of internal stress or angst. 
You’ll be glad you took the time to decompress, because once the Gemini new moon strikes on 6th June, it’ll kickstart a financial fresh start for you. You have a great ability to double your revenue these next six months by switching up your usual routines and focusing on reconditioning your mind to believe that you are worthy of the abundance pouring into your life. This is a great new moon for creating a vision board that lays out what you’re ready to attract in your life. Think big, Taurus — it’s go time. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, your season is increasingly helping you glow, and we’re all here for it! The week begins with a harmonious alignment between Jupiter, currently in your sign, and Pluto in Aquarius. This opens your heart in ways that will help you feel more deeply connected to the world at large. Then on the 3rd, your ruler Mercury settles in your sign for a three-week stretch. You’re going through a period of radical transformation, and this planetary aspect will have you in the mood to explore new avenues — literally and metaphorically. You may decide to go on a trip this month, or to plan your dream vacation. Much positive change awaits beyond your usual circumstances or environments. 
The highlight of the week occurs on the 6th when your annual new moon strikes and invites you to let your twin come out and play. If you’ve been more cerebral and practical lately, you’ll now be in the mood to throw caution to the wind and be carefree. But alternatively, if you’ve been reckless or a bit too scattered, this new moon energy will remind you of the importance of cultivating a sense of balance so that you don’t stray too far off track. Find that happy spot between work and play, and get ready for your dreams to unfold beyond your expectations within the next six months. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, the week begins with Jupiter in Gemini smooching up to Pluto in Aquarius in your sectors of closure and service. You’re being encouraged to honestly assess moments when your people-pleasing tendencies did you more harm than good. You can choose to set healthy boundaries and let people know that you’re now making decisions with greater discernment and awareness. People may initially resist the boundaries you’re setting in place, but with time they’ll come to respect it. And those who can’t respect it will find their way out. 
The Gemini new moon on the 6th helps you better express your sentimental needs in a way that feels open-hearted. If you’re usually used to being passive-aggressive when someone hurts or irritates you, you’ll notice yourself speaking your truth more directly without sugarcoating the situation. This lunation kickstarts a more dynamic and enriching way of communicating and interacting with the most important beings in your life. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, this week’s Jupiter-Pluto trine occurs in your sector of friendship and intimacy. This boosts your popularity and your desire to let loose, forget your responsibilities for a while, and have more fun. This planetary trine is particularly soothing after last week’s Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aries, as it entices you to live more intentionally in the present moment without constantly focusing on how you can improve yourself or your life. You’re already amazing as you are. 
The energy continues to feel expansive once the Gemini new moon takes place on the 6th, in your sector of social networks. You may feel ready to revamp your digital presence within 10 days of this new moon, so as to show off an updated version of yourself and your offerings. Think about what you’d like to be known for and who you’d like to collaborate with. You’re now being offered the green light to shoot your shot and be clear about your networking objectives. “Ask and you shall receive!” 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, as the week begins, your planetary ruler Mercury enters Gemini for a three-week stretch. When combined with the harmonious alignment between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius, you’re being asked to explore aspects of yourself that you previously ignored or bypassed in favour of more practical pursuits. You’re now realising that there’s no point playing things safe and sticking to the status quo when we’re in an era of rapid expansion — this is the time to go after opportunities that once scared you, and envision the best case scenario. 
Use the Gemini new moon on the 6th to dream up alternative career paths for yourself — ones that feel riveting and unconventional. Yes, it may initially feel intimidating to step out of your comfort zone, but with Mars spending its final full week in Aries, you’ll feel called to take leaps of faith and be more courageous in your pursuits of what feels like a full-body yes. This new moon is likely to connect you with people who can open up doors for you and help you confidently walk through them. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, the week starts off with Jupiter and Pluto smooching up to each other in your fellow air signs of Gemini and Aquarius. This may give you the impression of being high on life. Everyone will want a piece of you under this dreamy and fun-loving influence, but make sure you’re not spreading yourself too thin by saying yes to too many invites or social obligations… Discernment is key. So are setting healthy boundaries and learning the art of saying no. 
The Gemini new moon occurs on the 6th, and it ignites a strong desire to travel, learn, teach, and expand your horizons in literal and metaphorical ways over the course of the next six months. You won’t necessarily be in the mood to go on a solo adventure, mostly due to Mars finalising its stretch in Aries in your sector of partnership. Your heart is feeling called toward connecting with people who bring out the best in you, and vice versa. Find your community and nurture them. Together, you’ll get closer to making your dreams come true than you would if you were apart. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this week you’re being asked to let go of your need to always be in control. Easier said than done? Absolutely. But you’re not one to shy away from a challenge, and the trine between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius activates your sector of depth as well as your sector of roots, which means you need to dig deep within yourself and figure out what your biggest apprehensions currently are. It’s as you face them head on that you’ll notice that they have less power over you. 
Mars, your planetary ruler, spends its final week in Aries, and this helps you overcome procrastination and finish important projects on a strong note. When combined with the Gemini new moon occurring on the 6th, you’ll end this week feeling like the universe is blessing you with a cosmic fresh start. Let go of the burdens of the past, and reinvent yourself in whatever way feels most stimulating and rewarding to you. You are the sign of transformation, after all. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the week begins with Jupiter, your planetary ruler, in the sign of Gemini, harmonising with Pluto in Aquarius. This activates your sector of partnership and communication. You’re likely to have a heart-to-heart in a relaxed and nonchalant way with someone (or a group of people) who may have previously had misconceptions about who you are and what you want. Now’s the time to clear the air and make room to listen to what they have to express to you, too. 
Once the Gemini new moon occurs on the 6th, you’ll notice a stronger desire for meeting new people and exploring different hobbies, restaurants and outings than you’re used to. Mars’ final week in Aries amps up your passion for life, but it could also lead to you being restless and a bit frazzled, so make sure to remain both grounded and hydrated so as to not lose track of what’s essential. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, with Jupiter in Gemini harmonising with Pluto in Aquarius in your sectors of health and money, you’ll start off the week wanting to simplify your lifestyle so that there’s less on your plate and that you have more free time to explore what you love. This may initially feel bizarre to you because you tend to stick to practical and ambitious decision-making, but Gemini season is stimulating you to be more innovative and think outside of the box when it comes to growing your nest egg while having fun in the process. 
Use this final week of Mars in Aries to check in with your family members, particularly around the Gemini new moon on 6th June. Chances are that they’ve been wanting to spend more quality time with you lately, but you may not have given them the attention that they crave, and that’s making them feel some type of way. It’s never too late to reprioritise and start over. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, with Pluto in your sign aligning with Jupiter in Gemini on the 2nd, you’ll be in the mood to both entertain and be entertained this week, making it an ideal time to go to a theatre show or to put on your own show. You definitely have your loner and hermit moments, but this first week of June brings out the side of you that’s the life of the party when you really want to be. Lean into this energy and accept the magnetic effect that you’re having on people around you. 
It’ll be easier for you to get what you want once the Gemini new moon occurs on 6th June. Use the 10 days after that new moon to get clear on the top two priorities in your life. Your mind is likely to be buzzing with different visions for how you’d like to expand in the next six months, but getting specific about where to direct your attention is the most beneficial act you can do right now, or else you’ll end up with way too many options and not enough time. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this first week of June is all about conscious exploration of what’s possible when you decide to fully lean into the process and view it all as a learning and growing experience. Your planetary ruler Jupiter is currently in Gemini in your communication sector, and it’s harmonising with Pluto in Aquarius in your sector of spirituality. You’ll therefore find it easier to look within yourself for answers to some pretty existential and recurring questions rummaging in your mind. 
Mars in Aries is also activating your sector of security and self-esteem for one more week, so once you’ve completed your more introspective journey, you may feel called to externalise your revelations and share them more transparently with those around you. The Gemini new moon on the 6th (and the 10 days that follow) is an ideal time to embark on a riveting new course of study or launch a compelling business offer or new service. Just make sure not to rush through the promotional or marketing process, as you’d benefit from slowing down and paying attention to the details so that it launches on the best possible note. 

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