Your Horoscope This Week: 23rd to 29th March

Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.
Welcome to Aries season, aka the real New Year. If the first two and a half months of 2025 felt slow, stagnant, or like a weird, drawn-out prologue, congratulations — we officially made it to the fresh start we’ve been waiting for. The Astro New Year is here, and with it comes a burst of fiery, impulsive, and ambitious Aries energy that has us all ready to set things in motion. Finally.
But this isn’t just any Aries season. We’re in between eclipses, meaning we’re in a full- on cosmic portal of transformation. We’re still processing the revelations from the Virgo lunar eclipse (aka the great detox of March), and now we’re gearing up for the Aries solar eclipse on the 29th. The energy is intense. Think: big endings, fresh starts, massive shake-ups, and plot twists that no one saw coming. If life feels like a movie montage of letting go, trust that it’s all leading somewhere better.
And just when you thought you were starting to get your footing, Venus, currently retrograde in Aries, dips back into Pisces on the 27th. Venus in Pisces (especially when retrograde) is all about romantic illusions, nostalgia, and unfinished love stories. We’re revisiting themes from January 2025, re-evaluating our relationships, and maybe even crossing paths with past lovers. Are they back because it’s fate? Or is the universe testing you? That’s the million-dollar question. Pro tip: If it’s bringing more confusion than clarity, it’s probably a karmic test.
And finally, on Saturday the major event of the week strikes. The Aries new moon solar eclipse hits on the 29th, marking the final eclipse in the Aries-Libra cycle of the past two years. This is a major shift. A last lesson in self-prioritisation. A cosmic reminder that waiting for the “right moment” is the biggest scam of all time. The right moment is now.
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, welcome to your solar season — the start of your personal new year! You’ve made it through months of cosmic chaos, and now it’s time to put yourself first in ways you’ve never dared to before. But here’s the thing: Mercury retrograde is happening in your sign right now, and it’s making you re-evaluate everything — who you are, what you want, and what parts of your identity no longer fit. Your mission this week? Slow down and listen to yourself.
And then, the epic solar eclipse in your sign on the 29th? It’s basically a universal reset button. This is your cosmic permission slip to let go of the past two years of self-doubt and fully own who you are. Whether you’re launching something big, making a dramatic life shift, or simply deciding to stop playing small, this eclipse is putting you on a new path over the course of the next six months. What a time to be alive! And remember, Aries, eclipses bring change without us having to initiate it into existence, so you don’t have to force anything… just become the version of yourself you’ve always dreamed of. The world is ready for your magic. It’s up to you to unleash it.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, Aries season is lighting up your sector of healing, closure, and subconscious growth these next four weeks, which means it’s low-key hibernation season for you. While the world is hyped up on Aries energy, you’re feeling more introspective, tying up loose ends, and getting ready for your season to begin next month. This is a week to rest, reflect, and take your time. If you feel like you’re in between versions of yourself, you are. Trust the process.
The transformation intensifies this Saturday when the solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th shakes things up in your spiritual sector. This is your opportunity to release the emotional baggage you’ve been holding onto for too long. The astro new year awakens a new energy within you, one that encourages you to feel lighter and to shine more brightly. Resentment? Gotta go. Grudges? Not worth it. Self-doubt? Time’s up. Within six months, you’ll be looking back at this period as the moment you finally stopped carrying weight that wasn’t yours.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, Aries season begins this week and activates your sector of friendship, networking, and social impact for the next four weeks. Basically, you’re the person everyone wants to be around right now. You’re reconnecting with people, forming new alliances, and realising who is (and isn’t) part of your next chapter. If a friendship dynamic has felt off, pay attention… Venus retrograde is revealing the truth. But since your ruler Mercury is still retrograde until April 7th, you may want to avoid social media call-outs this week, because you could end up being misunderstood.
This Saturday, the solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is about your community — who you surround yourself with and how you show up in the world. You could be stepping into a leadership role, launching something major, or experiencing a sudden change in your social circle. Some Geminis are likely to go viral on social media under this eclipse’s influence. Others are realising it’s time to step back from the online noise. Either way, your future is being rewritten. Embrace your rebirth.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, Aries season is now activating your career sector for the next four weeks, meaning you’re about to get noticed, whether you like it or not. The professional spotlight is on you, and people are paying attention to what you bring to the table. If you’ve been grinding in the shadows, this week could bring a moment of recognition. But here’s the catch: Venus, the Planet of Connection and Money, is still retrograde until April 12th, and Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is too, meaning you’re re-evaluating what success actually means to you. Do you really want the path you’ve been walking, or is it time to pivot to something that feels more free?
This Saturday, the solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is a major reset button in your professional life and is likely to provide you with the answers you’ve been seeking. A job change? A promotion? A total rebrand? All of the above? Within six months, your career landscape will look completely different. If you’re feeling restless in your current role, take it as a sign —this eclipse is pushing you towards bigger opportunities. The key is to trust yourself enough to take up space. Your skills deserve to be seen.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the start of Aries season is awakening your sector of expansion, travel, and higher learning for the next four weeks. You’re craving something bigger… maybe it’s a new adventure, a new project, or a deeper sense of purpose. If you’ve been feeling stuck, this week is reminding you that the world is so much bigger than your current situation. You’re meant to explore, evolve, and take risks. What’s been calling your name? A trip? A course? A bold new direction? Start making moves.
Adding to the momentum, the solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is handing you the map to your next great journey. Whether that’s literal travel or a shift in mindset, this is about breaking free from limitations and allowing yourself to leap while trusting that the net will appear. If you’ve been hesitating to go for a major dream, this eclipse is your green light. The only thing standing in your way? You. Stop waiting for the “right time”…this is it. Trust yourself and soar.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, Aries season is activating your sector of intimacy, joint finances, and deep transformation these next four weeks. This is a week for deep conversations, confronting fears, and shedding old layers. If certain dynamics in your life have been unspoken but deeply felt, expect them to surface. Venus retrograde is making you question your patterns in love and money — are you giving too much? Are you allowing yourself to receive? These realisations are not always easy, but they are necessary. Use your ruler Mercury’s current retrograde to reassess your priorities as needed.
The solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th brings a powerful shift in how you merge your energy with others. Whether that’s in love, business, or finances, a major turning point is coming, and you can sense it. This could mean a new partnership, an unexpected investment, or a total reset in your emotional landscape. Letting go of control will be your greatest challenge and your greatest liberation. The more you trust the flow these next six months, the more abundance will come your way.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, now that we’re in Aries season, your partnership sector is activated for the next four weeks, making this a huge relationship week for you. Whether it’s love, business, or friendships, the people in your life are mirroring lessons back to you. And with Venus, your planetary ruler, still retrograde until 12th April, you’re reassessing what you truly need from others. Are your relationships balanced? Are you speaking your truth? Are you choosing connection or convenience? It’s time for a relationship audit.
The solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is your final lesson in this two-year cycle of Aries- Libra eclipses. You’re being pushed to prioritise yourself in relationships rather than shape-shifting to accommodate others. If something isn’t working, it will become undeniably clear this week. And if you’re single, this could mark the beginning of a game-changing love story and you may meet someone special these next six months. The key? Stop settling for almost and make space for what’s real.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, Aries season is activating your sector of routines, health, and daily productivity for the next four weeks. You’re getting your life together, or at least trying to. If your schedule has been chaotic since the start of the year, or you’ve found it hard to remain consistent, this week is a cosmic nudge to create better structure, while also releasing the pressure you tend to place on yourself. Venus retrograde might bring up unfinished business in your wellness and work habits… Have you been overextending yourself? Ignoring burnout? Running on fumes? It’s time to make sustainable changes, and it all starts by being kinder to yourself.
Then this Saturday the solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is resetting your daily life. It’s as though the universe could hear your cry for help and ran to the rescue. Within six months, your work, wellness, and sense of purpose will look completely different, in the best of ways. A more fulfilling job? A healthier routine? A fresh approach to your craft? All of the above? The eclipse is reminding you that discipline is freedom. You’re only a few decisions away from building the life of your dreams. Start small, but start now.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sagittarius, as the week begins, Aries season continues to light up your sector of passion, dating, and self-expression. You’re feeling magnetic, but also reflective because Venus retrograde is making you reassess your romantic patterns. Are you settling? Chasing? Playing it too safe? This week is about getting real about what you actually want in love, creativity, and joy. The key? Stop romanticising what isn’t working and start embracing what is.
The solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is a bold reset, further highlighting your desire for novelty and adventure in your love and creative life. Within six months, you could be in a new relationship, launching a passion project, or stepping into the most confident version of yourself yet. This is your renaissance era, and with Jupiter, your planetary ruler, still in Gemini for three more months, you’re ready to spread your wings and fly. Stop waiting for permission and let yourself shine as March comes to an end, Sag.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, now that we’re in Aries season, your home and family sector is highlighted, making this a week of deep reflection. Whether it’s moving, reconnecting with family, or redefining your personal space, you’re rethinking your foundations. Venus and Mercury both being retrograde might bring up unresolved emotions about your past, and the key is to not ignore them, but rather get curious about what these reflections are here to teach you. What needs to be healed before you can truly move forward?
And then, striking in divine timing, the solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is a powerful reset for your home life. This could mean a literal move, a change in family dynamics, or a new emotional chapter. Whatever shifts, trust that it’s clearing space for something better. Let yourself feel through the changes instead of trying to control or deny them. Also make room for your family members and loved ones who may need extra support right now, as your presence and love will feel grounding during this extra fiery and unpredictable eclipse portal.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, Aries season shakes up your communication sector for the next four weeks, making this a week of major conversations, realisations, and mental shifts. You’re speaking your mind more boldly, and people are listening. But Venus and Mercury both being retrograde in Aries is making you re-evaluate who you’re talking to and how you’re expressing yourself. Are you being understood? Are you being honest? Are you actually listening in return? The more you can swallow your pride and have periods of honest self-reflection, the more positive and confident you’ll feel as March comes to an end.
The solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th is a huge breakthrough in your self-expression. A major idea, conversation, or opportunity could change the course of the next six months. This is your sign to start writing, speaking, pitching, sharing your bold and innovative ideas. Your voice is powerful, and with Pluto settled in your sign these next twenty years, this is definitely the time to transform yourself and the world with the brilliance of your consciousness.
Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, we’ve bid adieu to your solar season, and now Aries season is activating your sector of money, resources, and self-worth for the next four weeks. You’re getting serious about your finances and what you deserve.
Meanwhile, Venus retrograde is making you reflect on how you’ve been handling your money… are you undercharging? Overspending? Avoiding financial responsibility? This is your wake-up call to get intentional about your relationship with abundance. Instead of fearing looking at your bank account or creating a budget, use this season to courageously create a game plan and ask for help when needed.
Then, the solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th further highlights a need for a financial reset. Within six months, you could land a new job, start a new income stream, or completely transform your money mindset. This eclipse isn’t just about earning more — it’s about believing you deserve more. Get clear on what you’re worth, and the universe will match your energy. Pro-tip: this eclipse will also encouraging you to make sure you’re raising your own self-esteem, and not simply focused on raising your prices.
Remember that the ultimate validation comes from within.

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