Welcome to 2024! A year in which anything is possible — as long as we allow our minds and hearts to remain open to our aspirations and passions.
These are the key astrological dates of 2024:
The eclipses of 2024 will push us to put ourselves first. The lunar eclipse occurs on 25th March in Libra, the solar eclipse occurs on 8th April in Aries, a further lunar eclipse occurs on 17th September in Pisces, and the last solar eclipse of the year occurs on 2nd October in Libra.
Mercury retrograde occurs three times in 2024: 1st to 25th April in Aries, making us check our egos; 5th to 28th August in Virgo and Leo (Mercury retrograde glides back into Leo on 14th August), urging us to embrace our creativity; and 25th November to 15th December in Sagittarius, allowing us to reconnect with former philosophies or places we’ve visited.
Venus and Mars unite in Aquarius on 22nd January, allowing us to join forces with our special someone. The sun’s annual conjunction with Venus (aka the Venus Star Point) is on 4th June in Gemini. This is an energetically heightened time for love.
Mars retrograde in Leo occurs from 6th December to 23rd February 2025. This transit can be positive if we act from an altruistic standpoint and don’t behave in a competitive, pushy or aggressive manner.
Jupiter enters Gemini on 25th May, making us focus on the minute details and travel locally.
Wild card Uranus and abundant Jupiter align in Taurus to shake up our foundations on 20th April. Austere Saturn and dreamy Neptune continues to track in Pisces throughout the year.
Pluto re-enters Aquarius on 20th January, taking us back to the events of March 2023. Think about how we’ve grown and matured since then and how much more work we must do. Pluto backtracks into Capricorn one last time from 1st September to 19th December before moving forward in Aquarius. This is our chance to revisit the second half of 2023 and right some wrongs in our lives to transform and learn from our past mistakes.
Aries Sun & Rising:
Friends come and go in 2024, but the real ones stay with you throughout the course of the year. Think of this as a time in which you are redefining your needs and wants in relationships. The lunar eclipse on 25th March in Libra, along with the solar eclipses on 8th April in Aries and 2nd October in Libra, are removing the blinders from your eyes and allowing you to see people for who they truly are. This awakening will create conflicting emotions since you want to fight to keep these partnerships intact. The good news is that Pluto in Aquarius is bringing in people who are more in alignment with your current beliefs and will treat you with respect.
Taurus Sun & Rising:
In 2024 you should find the financial relief you’ve been waiting for. The planetary connection between Venus and Mars in Aquarius on 22nd February, as well as the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus on 20th April on your sign, offer a chance to elevate your professional status by asking for a raise. However, it may not come to fruition until 23rd May, when Venus and Jupiter link up with your Sun sign. Two days later, expansive Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini fattens up your bank account. You’ll feel a rush of confidence and luck coming your way during the Venus Star Point in Gemini on 4th June. You might receive a bonus around that time, so be on your best behaviour at work.
Gemini Sun & Rising:
The last 12 months were a time of manifesting and trying out different ventures, but 2024 offers you the chance to use your inherent wisdom and capacity for work to get the success you deserve. Lucky Jupiter coming to your sun on 25th May will mark the beginning of a new cycle and journey. You won’t be told no, and won’t have any obstacles standing in your way. For the first time in a while, you’ll feel limitless and able to win in all that you do. When the Venus Star Point links up with your sun sign on 4th June, you’ll be able to use your words to accomplish anything you want and to persuade others to agree with you.
Cancer Sun & Rising:
The solar eclipse on 8th April in Aries brings news of a promotion, which will be exciting and is well deserved. The caveat is that the lunar eclipses on 25th March and the solar eclipse on 2nd October are making you focus on family matters and home life, taking away from your career. Finding a balance between these two entities will be challenging, especially since Pluto’s re-entrance into Aquarius on 20th January (taking you back to 23rd March 2023) is urging you to focus on maintaining your own personal power. Luckily, the lunar eclipse on 17th September helps you solve and come to an understanding of how to dedicate time to both realms of your existence without falling off centre.
Leo Sun & Rising:
The year ahead offers you a chance to rediscover yourself. With Pluto in Aquarius strengthening the house of partnerships from 20th January onward, you’ll be transforming relationships. Only the strongest will survive. The connection between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on 20th April will shake up your chart by pushing you to work and think outside the scope of what you’re used to, this could take the form of an offer from another company. Think of this as an opportunity to ignite your innate creativity. Mercury’s moonwalk on your sun from 14th to 28th August, followed by Mars’ backward journey in your sign on 6th December into 2025, urges you to get back to basics and let go of anything that doesn’t make you happy.
Virgo Sun & Rising:
An on-again-off-again situationship has the potential to become more in the spring when Jupiter enters Gemini on 25th May. It may even spark a public declaration or change in relationship status on 4th June during the Venus Star Point. For committed Virgos, it’ll be a time of connecting with your partner on a soulful level. The square between Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces on 19th August and 24th December aims to tear down walls that have been built between you and your partner — even if Mercury’s backspin on your sign, which begins on 5th August, creates conflicts. Fortunately, the lunar eclipse in Pisces on 17th September gives you the chance to make things right.
Libra Sun & Rising:
2024 is a complicated year. Your sun sign is aspecting the South Node of Destiny throughout the whole year, so you might feel as though you aren’t being valued and seen. This sentiment rings true when Venus links up with the North Node in Aries on 17th April and connects with the South Node in Libra on September 3 — especially with the eclipses on 25th March, 8th April and 2nd October bring emotional highs and lows your way. The juxtaposing pull will make you spend more time wondering what other people are thinking, rather than taking time to focus on yourself. The Venus Star point on 4th June helps you snap out of your funk and embrace the jovialities of life.
Scorpio Sun & Rising:
Your love life will be a bit calmer than last year, but it’ll still bring an exciting mix of energy your way. Pluto’s re-emergence into Aquarius on 20th January urges you to enhance the need for emotional security and do away with power struggles in your personal life. Doing so will prove to be helpful when Jupiter and Uranus connect in your seventh house of partnerships on 20th April, as the frenetic vibe will be highly erratic and make you feel as though your romantic partnerships are seesawing back and forth between different extremes. The lunar eclipse on 17th September tempers these emotions, but they will escalate once more when Mars turns retrograde in Leo on 6th December — so tread lightly.
Sagittarius Sun & Rising:
You’re in the mood to roll the dice and take risks in 2024 — particularly during 8th April’s epic solar eclipse in Aries. You might even decide to gamble in matters of the heart when your planetary ruler, Jupiter, enters airy Gemini on 25th May. The Venus Star Point on 4th June in Gemini allows you to walk the walk and just not talk the talk when it comes to love. You might even want to upgrade the relationship during 17th September’s lunar eclipse in Pisces — even though Mercury’s planetary backspin on your sun, which lasts from 25th November to 15th December, leaves you feeling in limbo and unsure of the steps to take to level up your relationship.
Capricorn Sun & Rising:
The good news is that all the work you’ve done on yourself since Pluto first moved into Capricorn in 2008 is paying off. The not-so-great news is that there is still more work to be done — but you won’t be cosmically tasked with this challenge until Pluto moves back into your sign from 1st September to 19th November. There is still a lot to transform, evolve and amend in those 80 days. The lunar eclipse in Libra on 25th March, combined with the solar eclipses on 8th April in Aries and 2nd October in Libra, offer you the fantastic opportunity to put work aside to reconnect with your family in an effort to transcend and remedy the past.
Aquarius Sun & Rising:
The year starts off with Pluto affixing itself to your sun sign on 20th January. This is a pivotal year for personal development, but it won’t come easy because you’ll experience some growing pains and learn a few hard truths along the way. Your traditional planetary ruler, Saturn, who’s transiting the sign Pisces, is holding you back from becoming an evolved version of yourself. When your modern planetary ruler, Uranus, who’s in Taurus, connects with Jupiter on 20th April and Mars on 15th July, you’ll be able to make the necessary modifications needed in order to reconstruct your foundations. Life will be rocky at times, but you can flow with it if you don’t resist change.
Pisces Sun & Rising:
Your dreams have the power to become a part of reality — but only if you stop putting pressure on yourself to make your visions happen overnight. Like anything else, your desires and passions will require time to take flight. Patience might be hard to attain when Jupiter enters Gemini on 25th May — you might even feel as though the world is working against you when Jupiter and Saturn, who’s aligned with your sun sign, square off on 19th August and 24th December. The lunar eclipse on 17th September softens this vibe by giving you a chance to start fresh with your ideas and give them a second shot at becoming an integral and vital part of your existence.