We don't like to toot our own horn, but heck, in the interest of promoting great affordable style for all, we're willing to bend the rules (just a little). While updating some great new spring merchandise to our sister site, Refinery29Shops.com, we were dazzled by all the great sale goods going for cheap. We decided to round up our top six scores, but remember, they're super limited in quantities, so get 'em while they last. And be sure to poke around Refinery29shops.com for even more great marked-down goodies, like Alexander Wang blazers and knee-high boots by Tashkent.
1. Zip Cuff Long Gloves, Lara Kazan
Was $138, now $65
We will gladly welcoming a few more weeks of winter if we can slip our paws into these.
2. Side Button Shorts, In God We Trust
Was $135, now $50
Cute with tights, cute without.
After the jump, a Shipley briefcase for under $200...
4. Box Pleat Skirt, Shelly Steffee
Was $325, now $113.75
This skirt is more avant garde than straight-up business.
Was $325, now $113.75
This skirt is more avant garde than straight-up business.
5. Simone Blouse, Eskell
Was $265, now $70
In pure silk, this is a great simple top for all seasons and wardrobes.
Was $265, now $70
In pure silk, this is a great simple top for all seasons and wardrobes.
6. Shillor Briefcase, Shipley & Halmos
Was $446, now $199
For under $200 this gorgeous tote is a total steal that you and your boyfriend can happily share.
Was $446, now $199
For under $200 this gorgeous tote is a total steal that you and your boyfriend can happily share.