Meet Your D.C. Editor: 10 Things To Know About Holly

Time to introduce you, gentle reader, to a few quirky factoids about yours truly. Let's do a Top 10 list, shall we?
10. I've got a weakness for thrifting, estate sales, and flea markets, and have been known to venture into some pretty sketchy places — spider-infested cellars, creepy storage areas, you name it — in search of a great find.
9. If I could choose any two — okay, three — pets, I'd have a rescued greyhound, a golden retriever, and a micro pig I would name Kevin Bacon.
8. I'm a DIY fiend. You want something refinished, refurbished, or repurposed? I'm your girl.
7. My guilty pleasure is fast food. I do a (fairly embarrassing) happy dance when I see a Chick-Fil-A or Dairy Queen sign.
6. I have one recipe committed to memory, and it's for the best apple pie in the world.
5. I was born in Atlanta, and have an ever-so-slight Southern accent.
4. I founded a vintage retail and design project with some friends, and we host seasonal pop-up shops featuring vintage finds and handmade jewelry.
3. I only recently learned how to use a curling iron. Late bloomer, much?
2. I've never owned a TV...but that doesn't stop me from loving Netflix and Hulu.
1. If I could magically duplicate anyone's closet and have it for my very own, it'd be a toss-up between Kate Bosworth, Emmanuelle Alt, and Jane Birkin.
Now it's your turn — share away in the comments!

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