Pimp My Sled—We think you're never too old to let out the inner-child and enjoy some good old-fashioned sledding on a snow day. Although, with the amount of traffic in the city, that can be a danger in even the seemliest of parks. Luckily, one of the best places (and most unusual) to break out that cafeteria tray you still have from college is the pedestrian-only hill on 91st Street, popular with the 'hoods local kiddies. The block is actually closed to traffic all year, so you can fly down the slope with abandon (and still keep all of your limbs).
91st Street (between 2nd and 3rd avenues)
Go Medieval—We can take snow in small doses (kind of like The Nanny) but we detest how it turns to a gnarly slush after, like, 1.2 days. For those wanting a truly magical, Narnia-like experience that won't fade fast, hop on the A train all the way uptown to the gardens at The Cloisters Museum, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art you may recognize from Brad Pitt's hot makeout sesh in The Devil's Own. More storybook castle, less Manhattan, this, ahem, cloistered, 12th century-inspired haven has some of the most beautiful and peaceful gardens in the city, especially blanketed in the white stuff. And whenever you decide you need to warm up those extremities, you can check out the substantial collection of medieval art, stained glass, and tapestries that the museum houses. We won't be surprised if you spot Mr. Tumnus.
The Cloisters, Fort Tryon Park, 99 Margaret Corbin Drive (at Henry Hudson Parkway); 212-923-3700.
Great Scots!—The Scots are natural pros at dealing with inclement weather, so taking a break to refuel at the Scottish gastropub The Highlands will be the sure cure for any frostbite from over-zealous snow angel-making. With the warm feeling of a quaint Scottish bed-and-breakfast (think lovely wallpaper and an even lovelier fireplace!), it's the perfect setting to imbibe high-class hot toddies from their expansive range of whiskeys and single malts. If you're hungry too, there are comfort foods galore, like Shepherd's Pie and Sticky Toffee Pudding. You'll be all warm and rosy faster then you can figure out how to pronounce Usquaebach.
The Highlands, 150 West 10th Street (at Waverly Place); 212-229-2670.
Above, hot toddy picture via Irene Turner, Cloisters picture via Harlan Turk.