Local Skincare Line La Bella Figura Reinvents Your Routine

La Bella Figura, an organic skincare line from Chicago, asks you to take a moment to think about your skincare routine. If the ingredients in the twenty-something products you shmear on yourself daily read something like Ikea instructions, it might be time to rethink the way you take care of your body's biggest organ—your skin. Listen closely, because we're about to tell you to start using oil on your skin. But before you assume we've been tossin' a few back at the office, give change a chance, and you'll see what we mean.
La Bella Figura's mission takes skincare back to basics, before it was infiltrated with commercials starring celebrities and packaging full of glitter. The company only produces chemical-free products, and their primary ingredient is argan oil, an essential oil that works actual magic on your skin. It is known for reducing wrinkles and inflammation, and it also softens your skin. Yes, you'll be applying oil to your face with your hands, but we promise it isn't as scary as it sounds. We also know there isn't a product alive that can turn back time (yes, please sing that in a Cher voice), but we are noticing a serious spike in our skin's glow factor.
If you're intrigued by the idea of trying something new and potentially face-changing, start spreading the word. Tweet this story, and make sure you tag @refinery29. One tweet will win every product in the La Bella Figura arsenal! You'll receive Tesoro and Moroccan Gold, the little gems that have replaced moisturizers as we know it, as well as Decouverte, an under eye serum containing barbary fig seed oil. Rounding out the team, you'll find La Curacio lip balm, a Windy City warrior's best friend. There's no need to use chemicals and weird stuff on our skin, so let's stop. Simple is sexy.

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