We all covet the season’s big-ticket designer bag, but with prices soaring north of $2,000 for the It Accessory, we can rarely justify blowing a month’s paycheck. Thankfully, us thrifty girls have a new fashion-forward friend: cool tote line Thursday Friday. Last season, Roni Brunn and Olena Sholomytska—the brains behind this L.A.-based line—printed the likeness of a Birkin on 100% cotton totes, and this season, they’ve plastered our all-time favorite Miu Miu carryall on their light and breezy bags. They’ve also just debuted a line of cosmetic bags, so go ahead and go for broke with Thursday Friday’s new satchels before the waiting list gets too long!
Together Tote, $65, and Here Bags, $25, available online at ThursdayFriday.com.