It's easy to get annoyed at Kate Upton. She's got full lips, a birthmark many girls would fake, blue eyes, blond hair, and oh yeah, that body (not to mention dance moves for days). Combine that with with her modeling chops and you've got a bonafide star. Sure, it's easy to be annoyed with this kind of close-to-perfection instant stardom. But never did we think people would get peeved with her for being too curvy. Well just leave it to the blogosphere, where pro-anorexia site "Skinny Gossip" has called Kate Upton a "squishy brick" with "thunder thighs."
They ask, "Is this what American women are 'striving' for now? The lazy, lardy look? Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for?" Mmk, right, this "lazy, lardy" girl just so happens to have the approval of both GQ and Vogue, and is even rumored to cover Carine Roitfeld's new glossy. And no, she's not thin enough to be blown over by a passing breeze, but that's why we (and Conde Nast, and Carine) think she's actually here to stay. (Buzzfeed)

Photo: Via Buzzfeed