Guys, everybody knows that your clothing is in control of your actions, not your brain, right? So true. That's why one radio station in the Canadian province of Newfoundland conducted an extremely important scientific poll on its website asking: "Given the number of robberies and other crimes where the perpetrators wear hoodies, should the garment be banned in the province. Why or Why Not?"
In our opinion, hoodies should definitely be illegal everywhere, because they are clearly a dangerous gateway into the world of crime. Just the other day, one of our staffers put on a hoodie and immediately proceeded to rob the fridge of all communal cold-brew coffee. And to think — this horror could have been stopped if she had not donned that fateful garment!
Please share this story with your friends and join us in our international campaign against hoodie-induced violence. Or not. Whatever. (Gawker)
Image via VOCM Radio.