Crazy, right? The last time you saw the inside of "The Bea" it was probably 3 a.m. and you could barely see the floor for all the off-duty-models, Euro dudes, Olsens, and cigarette butts scattered everywhere. But look at it now! In the back room, a beautiful wooden floor has replaced the checkerboard linoleum and the bright, white walls and a skylight have transformed Paul Sevigny, André, and Matt Abramcyk's long-shuttered retro-lounge/dirty dance-hole into something downright respectable (not that we didn't have a respectably good time at the place many moons ago.) Now, as this New York Times article shows, the Beatrice Inn is about to become a "classic chophouse" with not-insanely priced food from a former Per Se sous-chef and details overseen by Vanity Fair swami Graydon Carter. The fact that all this sounds truly appealing might just underline how much we (and New York) have grown up since The Beatrice closed in 2009... though we do still feel like dancing on a booth every now and then. (The New York Times)
Photo: Via The New York Times.