Let’s cut to the chase: For some people, busting moves in public should be illegal. That’s right, whipping out the trusty ol' Cabbage Patch or the Dougie in front of strangers is not always a good look. But, apparently, in Oakland it really was a no-go and could result in up to six months in jail. Way harsh!
Up until recently, the East Bay enclave threw down a strict “no marathon dancing allowed” mandate, making booty-shaking flash mobbers silently shed dance-deprived tears. Apparently, back in the day people used to get groovy in public for upward of 24 hours straight for moolah with no breaks — making it a major problem in Oakland. Now that’s the true definition of a dancing machine, eh?
But, put your party pants back on Oaklandites and pop the bubbles, because the city has just lifted the 82-year-old ban on marathon moving. Anyone else see a striking parallel to Footloose? Cue the Kenny Loggins and everybody cut loose. (HuffPo)
Photo: Via IMDb