In the latest issue of Details Magazine, everyone's favorite scruffy-faced, puppy-eyed indie sex symbol (any more adjectives we need to add in here?), Jake Gyllenhaal, 32, gets straight down to the nitty-gritty in a roller-coaster ride of an interview with reporter Ivan Solotaroff. He looks gorgeous on the cover and in the editorial spread, but we noticed that Jake is looking quite a bit older these days (are we the only ones feeling a lil' Paul Giamatti?). Gone are the mischevious cheeks that we learned to love in Donnie Darko (or at least they're currently hiding under a thick layer of beard).
As soon as we were able to tear our eyes away from the pictures (much as Jake tears into his chicken midway through the article – their words, not ours), we plunged headfirst into one of the strangest reads we've come across in a while. Like, shades of Franco strange. Either the whole thing is made up, or JG has a serious tendency to talk his way off the deep end.
In an article that spends as much time describing the random waiters at a West Village restaurant as it does musing on Jake's piercing gaze and "off-brand sneakers," the actor and star of upcoming flick End of Watch says a number of inscrutable things like: "My whole life, I'd come to a scene and just ask for something real. I'd say, 'Please, just tell me what's going on. All the research, how your character picks up a fork, it'll all come when we know the truth.'" Um...okay? The truth about what exactly? Sounds like a quote out of context to us, but could also be the marking of a very confused individual who's not quite sure where he is most of the time. If that's the case, we're more than happy to let Jakey stay with us while he recovers a bit.
Over a degustation menu and a so-called "fried chicken main event" (where can we get one of those?), Jake notes that "every journey starts with fear." Wish we had known that when we began the often hilarious, at times frightening, always bewildering trip that is this four-page article. Of course, there are some interesting tidbits – the now-bearded smokeshow learned to drive from Paul Newman, and he's currently accepting auditions for his off-Broadway play. But, when he asks "I'm fucking CRAZY?!?,"...well, we can't help but wonder. Sorry, James Franco Jake. We still love you, though. (Details)
Click through for more photos, read the article, and tell us if you're as weirded out as we are (but still willing to drop everything for a possible JG sighting, obviously).
Photo: Courtesy of Details Magazine.

Photo: Courtesy of Details Magazine.

Photo: Courtesy of Details Magazine.