Hey, breaking news! People judge your picture when they look at you via social networks. If this hasn't forced you to keel over with shock (we know, it's a ground-breaking realization), you might want to take a closer look at exactly who is judging you — and what they are basing these judgments upon.
According to HSN Beauty, who put together a nifty infographic to drive home the point, it's not just you who goes through the ringer when a newcomer checks out your Facebook page: It's your friends, too. In fact, a profile that appears to be surrounded by attractive pals is judged to be "better-looking" than one with less comely faces. (The old adage of finding friends who are less attractive than you is apparently untrue, it appears.)
However, the infographic shows another slightly troubling piece of news — that 19% of recruiters, when surfing the job site LinkedIn, pay attention only to your profile picture. And while it is recommended that potential job-hunters should have a professional picture, the HSN graphic cautions you to be wary, since that's what you'll be judged on.
Ouch. The infographic goes on to caution that people can be rejected from being considered "beautiful" if they are too young/old, bald, fat, or too pretty. Yep. Being super hot can work against you, too. While we don't think that lacking hair or being hefty (or really, really ridiculously good-looking) means you won't get a job, the stats seem to suggest that your picture is getting judged — and not just on Facebook.
Here's a bit of info, however, that might make you judge what picture you pick for your profile: Viewers responded overwhelmingly well to pictures that were taken in the late morning or early afternoon. So if you are trying to pick a pic that makes you look your best, opt for one with the sun shining. Who knew?

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Photo: Courtesy of HSN Beauty