We generally consider it a gentle splurge to get more than two manicures a month. Unless you're Lady Gaga, in which case, you'd better be getting two or three a day. The queen of crazy outfits shares her tips in V Magazine, saying that "any woman — no matter how stylishly she is dressed — is instantly above the rest if well-manicured." So, that puts her at the very tip-top of the list, because girl has different nails every night.
Gaga prefers a rounded tip with a real, red leather appliqué for a classy event, but when she knows there's some sexy time in store, she'll go for an all-black, dangerously pointy, bejeweled style. Then, there's "trash elegance," which is meant to look like the "nail bed of an alien," and, of course, the glamorous, rhinestone-heavy look with the "aurora borealis effect." We'd expect no less from fashion's biggest wild card.
Mama Monster offers six reasons to get a manicure we guarantee you never thought of before, one of which is "you'll be ready for sex or to put a penis in your hand." Because there's nothing a man loves better than a razor-sharp pointed nail gently grazing his crotch. You heard it from the best! (V Magazine)
Photo: Courtesy of V Magazine.