Everybody get out your scrunchies. Caboodles, the ultimate cool accessory from your '80s, '90s, and '00s childhood, is back and ready for some glittery action. The brand that turned boring storage into a must-have accessory for everyone who's anyone in fifth grade is re-releasing its first-ever makeup box, and we are dying to get our hands on one.
If you were a tween in the late '90s or early 2000s, you probably identify Caboodles with blue, sparkly, translucent, round-edged boxes. But for you '70s babies and '80s kids, this box perfectly embodies the strange, hazy aesthetic of that transitional era. That muted pink and Miami Vice-esque font could be straight out of a Polaroid from your first-ever gymnastics meet. (Style.com)
Is it weird to start carrying this as a clutch? Because we don't care; we're doing it anyways. And, we're bringing back barrettes and blue eyeshadow to match.