Denied! Kim K Will Never Snag A Star On The Walk Of Fame

Kim Kardashian has yet to meet a self-promoting project she didn't dig. Whether peddling diet pills or perfume, it's pretty apparent that she's a firm believer in the all-press-is-good-press theory. And, in her most recent interview with
magazine, Kardashian opens up about haters who claim she's "famous for being famous," in addition to the public adapting to reality stars sharing the spotlight with legit actors. She even goes so far as to compare the shift to rap music's integration into mainstream back in the day (perhaps a little Music History 101, courtesy of Kanye?).

But, more fascinating than her quotes on drag impersonators ("I find it super flattering."), and her role in Tyler Perry's The Marriage Counselor ("I shouldn’t be giving marriage advice to anyone!") are her hopes of landing a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She spills to the glossy that no celeb known for a reality-show gig has ever been honored, and her competitive nature has her chomping at the bit. Well, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce (the folks responsible for handing out those iconic plaques), have told Kim to put the kibosh on those plans, saying: "She has not been nominated. She is a reality star. We don't do reality stars. She needs to get a real acting job then come to us." Them's fighting words!
In Kim's defense, she does have a place in that new Perry flick, and she's had a recurring role on Drop Dead Diva — but, considering her "star" would shine next to the likes of Katharine Hepburn and Gwyneth Paltrow, we're thinking that's not quite enough cred to land her that sought-after block of concrete. So, is this a sign of the times, or do you think that reality regulars should steer clear of the titles reserved for Tinseltown legends? Opine below if you think this type of "acting" deserves classic kudos. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Photo: Via The Huffington Post

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