Man Repeller Will Whip Your Sorry Self Into Shape For NYFW

Who do you think you are? Some kind of big shot? You think you can handle New York Fashion Week? No, you can't handle it! Put on your flats and go back where you came from! Unless — you really want it. You do, huh? Fine. But, according to Leandra Medine and Co., you better work. We're sending you to the one person who can turn a sorry sad sack like you into Fashion Week material.
Enter: The Man Repeller. She's a tough cookie in silver pants and she's ready to open a can of whoop ass. Treadmill in heels? Check. Tweeting races? Check. Eye of the Tiger? Check. She's wearing a sweatband and she will make you cry. Watch this clip from her training video — guaranteed to get you back in shape in 99 days or less using weird, old tips discovered by suburban moms (plastic surgeons hate her, etc.)! Call 1-800-MAN-REPEL in the next 10 minutes and receive a free, limited-time-offer dose of hilarious!

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