Break out the Kleenex, folks — we have a seriously sentimental B(ey)-Day card on our hands. When you're one half of the world's highest-paid celeb couple, it's pretty obvious that any old pre-written Hallmark purchase won't do. Given such, we're not the least bit surprised by the sweet and star-packed note Beyoncé received for her 31st, which she shared with the whole world via
While Hova's handwriting is missing (we imagine he put together something a tad more personal), Queen B's BFF's honored the World's Most Beautiful Woman with kind words and references to inside jokes we wish we could be a part of (we're looking at you, Michelle Williams!). Our friends at Lainey Gossip pointed out that girlfriend Gwyneth got in on the action, sending plenty of love with a little help from hubby Chris Martin (and Apple and Moses!). And call us crybabies all you want — but it was tough not to stifle the waterworks when we read the praise from Mama Carter and saw the aww-dorable message from her nephew, Daniel.
Click here to see the card in it's entirety, and feel free to add a belated birthday note in the comments section below. Happy (late) B-Day, Bey!

Photo: Via