We love She's The Man, but it's not exactly our go-to movie for outfit inspiration. But since pithy Shakespeare adaptations and DUIs are essential experience for any designer, Amanda Bynes is now pursuing a career in fashion. (Umm, actually it won't be the first time: Anyone remember 2007's classic but short-lived "Deer by Amanda Bynes" line?) Okay, that's fine, we're going to give her the benefit of the doubt and withhold judgment in case she actually pulls off an amazing collection and changes everything forever. Anything can happen, right?
Bynes laid it all out in a bizarro interview in People yesterday, saying: "I am doing amazing... I am retired as an actor. I am moving to New York to launch my career. I am going to do a fashion line." Fingers crossed...Met Ball here we come! (People)
Image via People.