Breaking news from the Emmys: The "Mani Cam" is now a thing! Forget the iPhone 5 — this is the forefront of new technology. It's pretty much just what it sounds like: a diorama box that celebs stick their hands into (with their fingers "walking" down the mini carpet), while they talk about their manicures. Obviously, a camera lives inside.
So, yes, lovely ladies in gowns and jewels worth thousands of dollars turned the focus to their fingers and spilled the deets on their gorgeous, impossibly perfect nails. If you're a devotee like us, you probably spotted Kat Dennings' Lincoln Park After Dark from a mile away. An oldie but a goodie, right? But some of the other shades and designs were less obvious, and we appreciated the intel.
We certainly enjoyed getting the dish on Jena Malone's matchy-matchy nails and Julia Louis-Dreyfus' devotion to Essie, and seeing Kerry Washington (and her lizard clutch) crowned mani-cam MVP was charming and hilarious all at once, but we actually found Sarah Hyland's turn on the mini carpet to be the most endearing of all. The Modern Family star's hands were shaking like crazy (we don't blame her, all those cameras would make us anxious too!), due to nerves, we're thinking.
But you tell us. Did you watch the carpet coverage? Are you into the fingernail focus, or do you prefer to see more screen time for dresses, shoes, and baubles?
Image via Amazon.