How many people on this planet get to call their home a fortress? Not a ton, but the legendary Anjelica Huston is one of the chosen few. Her 13,775-square-foot abode on Windward Avenue in Venice features a towering outer wall protecting her $18 million property. Designed by sculptor Robert Graham (her late husband), the stunning compound was put on the market two years ago, but never sold. Huston's solution? Turn the spot into a members-only social club with a $2,000 yearly fee. Yep, another exclusive L.A. hot spot to add to the roster!
So, what does 2,000 bones buy you? Well, a gallery, screening room, and private farm-to-table restaurant for starters. Some of the quirky activities on the lineup will include "seltzer-water tastings" and "gourmet bathing activities" — all fitting for the artsy Westside 'hood. Exclusive, indeed! We're not even sure what a gourmet bathing activity involves, but we're certainly intrigued. But, let's be honest — if there's a closet tour in the works, we'll be the first in line! (Grub Street L.A.)

Photo: Via Grub Street L.A.