Unless you were living on the International Space Station in the '90s (and maybe even then), you know about the Munster shoe. It's a platform, a creeper, and a Victorian imitation all combined into one wild piece of footwear — and wrapped in a whole lot of fashion controversy. Some loved it, others hated it, but it was undoubtedly the shoe of the decade, making appearances everywhere from Dee-lite's World Clique cover to many, many a red carpet.
And now, it's baaaaack. Designer John Fluevog is re-releasing the shoe that's haunted your local Salvation Army for the 40th anniversary of the brand. As a press release astutely notes, the Munster was the "symbol of the '90s House/Club underground DJ scene." But what role will it fill today? Honestly, with all the grunge revival we've seen of late, we wouldn't be surprised if this is the time machine we've been waiting for to finally bring us back to the glory days.
What's your take on these babies? Gimme gimme or just go away?
Photo: Courtesy of John Fluevog.