Thursday night's vice-presidential debate had many Americans talking — whether it was Biden's malarkey comment or Ryan's facial expressions, the event was enough drama for the big screen. Well, on the same eve of the match, Lindsay Lohan gave her political two cents — and it looks like the actress has had a change of heart since Obama's win back in 2008.
The newly redheaded paparazzi magnet was on hand for the launch of a vitamin drink in Beverly Hills (hope she stocked up!), and weighed in on the race, even though she missed the VP convo held just before the red carpet. She confidently told reports, "I think unemployment is very important for now, so as of now I think (my vote) is Mitt Romney," a far cry from four years ago, when she called the democrat victory "amazing."
Even though we highly doubt Romney and his camp reached out to LiLo for an official endorsement and we don't suggest Obama swap his Big Bird ads for ones centered around the A-lister, it's certainly an important issue worth talking about — Democrat or Republican. Our advice? Your vote counts, make sure you've read up on each party's platform, and decide for yourself. (Fox)

Photo: Via Fox News