Laugh at it all you want, you cynical Manhattanites and smarmy Brooklyn residents — Queens don't give a fudge. A recent survey found that, despite being the home of two overcrowded airports, the Iron Triangle, the dilapidated World's Fair, and the heartbreaking Mets, Queens is New York's most optimistic borough.
Field research showed that 81 percent of Queens residents were either "optimistic" or "very optimistic" about the future of life in NYC — a slight edge over Manhattan (78 percent), Brooklyn (77 percent), and the Bronx (76 percent). Authors and experts suggest that the locals are so chuffed due to its general affordability and family-friendly amenities. We mean, aren't rent and lack of space your biggest complaints?
While the study doesn't suggest it, we think it might also have to do with Queens' unique demographics. Not only is it the most ethnically and nationally diverse city on the planet (well done), it also hosts more newly-minted Americans than anywhere else in the city or country — folks who are, in general, more optimistic then, say, your average UES banker. That, or everyone there is just happy they don't live on Staten Island — those poor suckers only scored 67 percent on the optimism scale. (NYT)
Photo: Via Facebook.