Sometimes, Monday mornings are hard. Nothing seems to go your way — Metro is delayed, the line for coffee is way too long — and you often find yourself wraught with emotion, wishing you could just go back to bed. Well, now, the White House is here to save the day, with the ultimate emotional release.
Last week, The Huffington Post published a letter to the prez from Sophia Bailey Klugh, thanking him for supporting marriage equality. Little Sophia has two dads and receives tons of ridicule at school, so she asked the POTUS for advice — and he took time out of his busy campaign schedule to write her back.
In the letter, Obama thanks Sophia for reaching out, waxes poetic on the importance of celebrating diversity, and offers advice for those schoolyard bullies. No matter who you're voting for tomorrow, it's hard to get through the first paragraph without getting a little teary. Click through to read the letter in its entirety — and keep a tissue handy. (The Huffington Post)
Photo: Courtesy of Barack Obama Flickr