Ahh, voting. The privilege of participating in this great nation's democratic system is enough to make our hearts sing, feet dance, and serotonin flowing. You know what also does that? Free stuff! And now, the two wondrous concepts have combined — because if America had a king, his name would be Logic P. Reasonable, PhD in Things That Make Perfect Sense.
This goes out to you lazy folks out there...if you still need a reason to get off your couch or away from your desk to vote, this is it. There is no excuse. We don't care whom you vote for — we just want you to do it, and these free treats should be all the motivation you need!
Get 20% off at Urban Outfitters all day today (Tuesday, November 6), in stores only.
Free vibrators from Babeland. Guaranteed to either elevate your pleasure should your candidate win, or console your sorrowful self should your guy draw the short straw.
D.C. residents, are you just way too stressed out about this whole situation? Mellow out (after you hit the polls, of course) with free yoga courtesy of Lululemon.
A free ride to the polls via this awesome service.
Photo via Instagram/Ashley Dopita.