We know you're totally psyched about voting for Obama, Romney, or Roseanne, but, please, if only for your own sake, stop Instagramming your darn ballot.
No, it's not because it's a tad too political, a shade too earnest, or, honestly, not that great a picture (even if you are Beyoncé). It's because in at least six states (Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, and Texas), it's straight-up illegal to photograph your ballot.
Six may not seem like a lot of states, but experts say it could be more, there are municipal laws to think of, and, to be honest, it's sort of bad form to take a photo of something local and federal governments take great pains to make private and publish it to Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Friendster, or what have you.
Yes, we get that Instagramming your ballot is the modern version of wearing an "I Voted" sticker, but think twice and check local rules before snapping. What with Instragram's brand-spanking-new profile system, it would be very easy for Johnny Law to track you down and throw the book at you. Lucky for Bey, it's legal in NYC. (All Things D)
Photo: Courtesy I Am Beyoncé Tumblr.