When it comes to body image in this country, it's safe to say a little honesty goes a long way for us all. Despite the advances of healthy, beautiful role models in the last decade, the cult of skinny is still deeply ingrained in our collective in-front-of-the-mirror consciousness. So when we heard a story about plus-size mannequins being displayed in stores, we thought it was good news.
This photo surfaced on the internet recently and, though its origins are unknown, it's elicited quite a reaction — both positive and negative. While we get that this is a very strange looking image (why is your head so small, buddy?), it certainly demands conversation. Mannequins are, in many ways, the most distilled representation of our society's ideal body. So, it would be great if these hairless, featureless creatures reflected the population a bit better. But skinny or not, they're so warped and far removed from reality that it's hard to understand whether or not this is an issue worthy of outrage.
Asking around seems like the right place to start. What do you think of this "obese" mannequin? A bad idea in a country dealing with serious diet and health problems, a great step towards addressing crippling body image issues, or just plain weird looking? (The Huffington Post)
Photo: Via The Huffington Post