There was once a time when you couldn't walk three steps in NYC without running into a top knot. The fad has since fizzled a bit, but still, we love a good top-o-the-head bun from time to time. That said, we're a little wary of Beyoncé's version, which she debuted at the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year party in NYC (pictured here with Time, Inc. CEO Laura Lang).
On the one hand, the sheer perfection is admirable, if a little intimidating. We dig the classic monochrome suit — and of course, the Charlotte Olympia clutch is lovely. But something about that bun...it's just a teeny bit much. Our sensors are detecting some slight Cindy Lou Who vibes. A grown-up, styish Cindy Lou Who, perhaps, but Lou Who nonetheless.
What do you think of her Lou Who 'do? Should we cut her some slack, or would Bey be better off with a toned-down version of this trend?
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Photo: Getty Images.