It looks like the stork was speedier than Santa Claus for Claire Danes this year! Christmas came early for the actress and hubby Hugh Dancy when she gave birth to their son, Cyrus Michael Christopher Dancy (try saying that five times fast!) on Monday. Dancy announced the arrival to close friends and family via email, assuring them that their son and the Homeland star are feeling healthy, happy, and, well — ready to head home for the holidays!
And, as if that weren't enough to keep 'em smiling this season, Homeland has been nominated for four Golden Globe awards — including a best actress nom for the 33-year-old. Before the bundle of joy was born, Danes explained to People mag that she'd be using the break between seasons to get “to know our new Dancy.” We have a hunch this bonding sesh may have to happen during dress fittings, because this A-list mom's got a busy red-carpet season ahead of her. We wonder if the Calvin Klein showroom has a day care? (US Weekly)

Photo: Via Us Weekly