God bless the Queen's Christmas message. Like The Snowman, overcooked Brussels sprouts, Noel Edmonds, and sherry-fuelled family arguments, it's part of the very fabric of a British December 25. And this year, QE2 is cranking things up a notch and doing the whole thing in glorious 3D, for the first time ever.
So, as we sit slumped in a turkey-dinner coma, it's reassuring to know that we'll be seeing the Queen in absolutely clarity — which will make scrutinising the finer details of her Christmas Day outfit even more enjoyable.
The Queen has apparently already watched her 3D Christmas message, which was produced by Sky News. A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said that she thought it looked "absolutely lovely".
She added:"We wanted to do something a bit different and special in this jubilee year, so doing it for the first time in 3D seemed a good thing, technology-wise, to do. The Queen absolutely agreed straight away. There was no need for convincing at all; she was absolutely ready to embrace something new in this year."
After her Olympics skydive we imagine it all seemed pretty tame to the octogenarian.
This begs the question: How does our 86-year-old monarch up the ante, special FX-wise, next year? We've got our money on a CGI extravaganza, Avatar-style. That, or she'll go old school and do the whole thing using Gremlins marionettes and E.T.'s bike. Stay tuned.