Personally, we wouldn't put much at risk for the sake of Justin Bieber's Ferrari — but when you're a member of the paparazzi, the normal rules of life don't apply. We've heard a lot of crazy stories about the extremes deemed appropriate in the name of a photo exclusive and the fat paycheck to match. The most recent story though, is the worst (and also, the most tragic). A photographer was killed while crossing the 405 while trying to snap a photo of Bieber's car which, it turns out, the singer wasn't actually even in at the time.
The photographer was hit by an SUV as he walked back across the freeway after Highway Patrol officers asked him to leave the scene for obvious safety reasons.The driver of the car is not being charged. A friend and fellow photographer showed up at the scene later, saying “I know a lot of people say, ‘Oh, just another crazy paparazzo trying to make the money.' Actually, he was not a paparazzo, he was just another kid from New Mexico."
Justin Bieber also released the following statement: "While I was not present nor directly involved with this tragic accident, my thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim. Hopefully this tragedy will finally inspire meaningful legislation and whatever other necessary steps to protect the lives and safety of celebrities, police officers, innocent public bystanders, and the photographers themselves."
(Los Angeles Times)

Image via The Los Angeles Times.