You might think, hey, it would be fun to live next to that Valentino guy, what with all the celebrities, models, and fabulous folk he has over for his amazing parties. Heck, as his neighbor, you might even be invited over for a Champagne toast with Madonna. If only it were so.
See, according to the highly-respected (cough) New York Post, Mr. Garavani not only didn't invite his neighbors in the Swiss ski resort of Gstaad to his NYE bash, he created a local ruckus. "They were playing dance music all night, and a lot of Madonna songs," said a source. Not surprising since the Material Girl and Lourdes were in the house, along with Anne Hathaway and her new hubby. But the volume was apparently a problem. "A number of residents complained to the police as it was echoing around the mountain, and one officer went to speak to someone at the gate of Valentino’s chalet. But it didn’t seem to make much difference, and the music just carried on." Seems living next to Valentino is like living next to a high schooler whose parents are out of town. Poo. Well, we hear that Lagerfeld is quiet and always rakes the leaves on his side of the lawn. (NY Post)
Photo: Tony Kyriacou/Rex/Rex USA