The 5 Best Pickup Lines We’ve Ever Heard, Courtesy Of Joe Biden

Sure, the veep may be prone to some bumbling and stumbling when it comes to conducting formal interviews and debates, but trust us, Joe Biden is one sly fox when he's sweet-talking the fairer sex. How do we know? Don't worry — we haven't found ourselves on the receiving end of a Biden pickup line. Instead, we've discovered what just might be the most amazing vice presidential video montage in history.
Thanks to C-Span's constant coverage of Senatorial goings-on (the swearing-in ceremony, to be specific), Biden has been recorded meeting a steady stream of constituents, and it turns out he's got some pretty amazing catchphrases for the ladies. We picked out the top five, so you can pass them on to your single friends, or just have a good laugh. Of course, check out the video yourself, in all its seductive glory.
5. "You got a smile that lights up the room."
4. "Other than my mother, this is the finest lady I've ever known."
3. "As they say in southern Delaware, 'Mom, you done good with this one.'"
2. "You need any help on your pecs, you let me know."
1. "Spread your legs, you're gonna be frisked."

Photo: Via YouTube

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