It’s Official: We Know Kate Lanphear’s Next Move…

You know what really grinds our gears? An unresolved editorial shakeup. We've been on the edge of our seats since November when the illustrious Kate Lanphear ditched her post at Elle magazine, wondering where the editrix would end up. The professional opinion has had her at T for a while now, but breathe easy — it's official, according to a tweet from journalist Jim Shi, which was re-tweeted by the mag itself.
Kate will be The New York Times fashion offshoot's style director, so you can expect to see her haircut and moto jacket roaming the streets of Fashion Week in the name of her new gig. Congrats, Kate! Can't wait to see how her discerning taste and forward-thinking insight change this singular publication.

Photo: Courtesy of Entertainment Fusion Group.

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