However, if being a royal super-skivving at the couple's new Kensington Palace digs is your bag, you'll be interested to know that the main duties include: "Ensuring all areas of the residence are cleaned and maintained to a high standard at all times. Caring for and maintaining personal clothing, cleaning silverware, and glassware and in-house laundry."
Oh, and you'll also be asked to walk the royal hounds.
In the world of royal housekeeping, this gig is apparently a bit of an ask. “Most people employed as housekeepers expect to do a bit of cooking on the side, but walking dogs and driving too? And there’s also going to be a baby to factor into the equation, come July. It’s unprecedented,” a royal insider told the
Sunday Express
. We have to agree. While we somehow muddle through life without the aid of butler, housekeeper, and chauffeur, we recognise that the royal couple is a little more high maintenance. After all, maintaining K-Mid's wardrobe is surely a full-time job in itself. Just imagine how much of the new housekeeper's working day will be spent shining up L.K. Bennett shoes and darning nude hosiery? The mind boggles, really.