Looky! It's real! In a #latergram posted by Jessica Alba in a post-Golden Globes haze, we see hard and fast proof that Lana Del Rey can experience emotions, and even more, is capable of having something akin to fun. (LDR's certainly got moody coquettishness in spades, but those oft-discussed bee-stung lips are usually in a pout.)
The genuine smile, captured in its natural habitat, is a rare artifact we intend to archive in a temperature-controlled room for preservation, just as soon as we're done writing this post.
What is Del Rey doing hanging out with Jaime King? Who is she wearing? And for crying out loud, Ms. King, what hair products are you using? These are questions for another time. At the moment, let us bask in an unposed, spontaneous (and dare we say honest) moment in one celeb's social life. Say cheese, girl. Say cheese.
Photo: Via Instagram/JessicaAlba