There was once a time when if you needed an excuse to buy a new computer, a little fiddling around with Facebook's search tool was all it took to leave you panting with rage and your laptop in a heap on the floor. It appears those days are gone.
The notoriously useless tool is getting a full makeover. You'll now be able to find that specific photo of your ex looking really gross from that one angle by searching, "Photos of so-and-so taken in 2009," or tap into what everyone's listening to by searching, "What music do my friends like?"
Gizmodo notes this is what Google tried to do when it launched G+, but despite what some fearful folks are saying, Facebook won't take the place of our favorite search engine. Google's initial plan had search results ordered based on Google Plus friends' preferences, but Facebook is all about making it easier to search your feed. And as more and more data gets added to Facebook every day, this makes perfect sense. And don't worry, any privacy settings you have still apply.
Are you psyched about this feature, or do you have bigger beef with Facebook you'd like to see rectified? (Gizmodo)
Image via Gizmodo/Courtesy of Facebook.