Come, ye subjects of Westeros, gather round to celebrate our great King In The North, Robb Stark. For no one is braver and more honorable than the Young Wolf, who seeks to lift us from the tyranny of the Lannisters before they...wait, a second. Robb Stark is really, really cute.
While he is not wearing wolf skins and battle armor, Robb Stark, a.k.a. Richard Madden, is a bona fide looker. For this shoot with Mr. Porter, Madden ditches the Winterfell garb for some bad-boy attire, including a pout, a cigarette, and a very un-Robb-ish pompadour. He's brooding. He's introspective. He's certainly not planning the takeover of Westeros. But fortunately, due to his gorgeous (and apparently super versatile) looks and gritty talent, it's unlikely that Madden is going to be typecast as Stark for the rest of his life (though, he'll always be the Young Wolf to us). (Mr. Porter)

Photos: Courtesy of HBO/Mr. Porter