For any woman constantly on the go, carrying around a makeup bag is just second nature. A touch-up here, an extra coat of mascara there — our pouch filled with our favorite beauty goods is often quite close at hand. But as the beauty e-tailer discovered, when your handbag gets lost or stolen, it may actually be your makeup pouch, and not your smartphone or wallet, that takes the biggest financial blow.
On average, your long-gone makeup bag can ring up to a $275 loss, as the Daily Mail reports. One suggestion for solving this problem: insure your beauty goods. Wait, hold on, it's (maybe) not as crazy as it sounds. While your missing credit cards can be reported and replaced immediately and your phone can be easily insured at time of purchase, as Escentual claims, there is no such protection for your beauty goods. And when you're looking at an average cost of nearly $300 to replace your foundation, bronzer, lipstick, eye shadow, eyeliner, eyelash curler, mascara, and at least a couple of brushes, what's so silly about a little insurance for the products that make you feel amazing every day?
Of course, this kind of extra precaution may not make sense for women who either don't carry their makeup with them or aren't too concerned with the financial risk. But if insurance companies begin to offer cosmetic case protection, well, isn't it at least an option worth looking into? (Daily Mail)

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Photo: Courtesy of Lancôme/Saks