It’s About Time: District Cabs Will Finally Accept Credit Cards

Real talk: We're pretty dang proud of our city. What with all the intellectual capital, gorgeous architecture, and ahh-mazing restos, we're right up there with the world's most cosmopolitan cities. But, there's one aspect where NYC has always had us beat — cabs. Hailing a taxi in the District has long been a source of anger, frustration, and stress — especially when it comes time to pay (you know, when we realize we spent all our cash on splitting the check at brunch).
Well, here's some good news: D.C.'s cab fleet is finally getting a city-wide credit card system. And, no, this isn't like the last time local lawmakers promised us more advanced transport — this time it's for real. By the end of March, every last member of the taxi fleet will join the 21st century, meaning you'll never have to dig for spare change at the bottom of your purse again. Hailing a ride after last call, though? For that, we're still on our own. (Complex)

Photo: Via Complex

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