Women have come a long way in the army (and everywhere else, too) over the past half century or so — from wives and well-wishers to bona fide soldiers. But there's still a major obstacle standing between the fairer equal sex and total military participation: the combat ban. It's been a source of hot debate for a while, and now The New York Times reports that the Pentagon is officially lifting it.
Over 20,000 women have served in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, and of course, they've found themselves in combat on many occasions despite the 1994 ban. According to the NYT, this shift will open up hundreds of thousands of jobs in artillery, armor, infantry and other combat positions — not to mention put the paperwork in line with the reality of war. This is important not only in principle but also because a resume featuring time in combat is crucial to advancing in the military, and the ban effectively prevented women from rising in the ranks alongside their male peers. (The New York Times)

Image via The New York Times.