Be Jealous: Ancient Egyptians Had Better Hair Than You Do

Guys, what are we going to wear to impress King Tut at the cat-worship dance tonight?! Can I borrow your lip goo crafted from the blood of a thousand serpents? Perhaps you'd like to try on my new toga? Despite the gross and numerous inaccuracies, this is what we imagine went down in the ladies' room on a Friday night in ancient Egypt. But the point is, after all the fuss died down, the girls emerged with some great braided hairstyles.
Why should a fashion site speculate about issues of such historical import, you ask? Well, it's actually backed up by recent recreations based on CT scans of a female mummy. The woman appears to be of aristocratic descent based on her gilded sarcophagus and its location, so this is a good indication of how the higher classes liked to werk it back in the day. We're thinking these braids give some of our tutorials a run for their money...what about you? Would you wear it? Do you want us to figure out how to make it work in the Common Era? Okay, all right, don't all comment at once. Check out more of these groundbreaking recreations after the jump — if you're interested in a more, erm, serious analysis of this stuff, we definitely recommend it. (LiveScience)

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Photo: via LiveScience/Courtesy Victoria Lywood.

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