Ah, the Maxim man. He loves reading lists — lists of supercars, lists of the latest pickup techniques, and lists ranking famous women by hotness. Now, for some women, these list-reading, supercar-loving guys are a bit of a problem, possibly because they keep trying their Maxim-approved pick-up techniques on them and ranking them by hotness.
Well, if you're looking for (or attempting to steer clear of) the kind of guy who laps up articles on how to be a more aggressive lover and what it takes to be a UFC champion, you have a new weapon in your quest: your nose. As Mediabistro reports, Maxim is developing its own cologne — a scent that we can only guess will be a piquant blend of vanilla, sharp cinnamon, contempt for others, and hair gel. As an executive in Maxim's publishing group said, "We welcome this first fragrance brand for men, which will provocatively express the brand’s unique voice and believe it will have tremendous appeal to the global Maxim consumer." So, yes, it will be a step up from Axe and a fine, masculine scent that will surely attract all you ladies clamoring to get into some bro's "Hot 100." (Mediabistro)
Photo: Courtesy of Maxim