UPDATE: We've had our ears peeled for Mr. Singer ever since we heard he designs a good chunk of Bey's wardrobe, and wouldn't you know, he's the man behind the insane leather confections that were her (multiple, of course) Super Bowl outfits! The designer worked with Beyoncé herself to create the costumes, and a 14-person team logged over 200 hours creating the ensembles, which were based on Singer's fall '13 collection. “My seamstresses were assembling all of the leather and exotic skins individually by hand. All of the pieces were separate details that were all constructed on her body. We had to make the body suit have a tremendous range of motion and flexibility. Beyoncé is such a fierce and intense performer we could not have the outfit constrict her in any way," Singer said in a press release. Yes — heaven forbid the Queen should be restricted from performing her customary 1,000 mind-bending moves a minute!
Most of the world is already too in love with Beyoncé to be at all surprised at this news. For you doubters out there, behold: According to designer Rubin Singer — who's helped dress Bey and her beyond-cool sister, Solange, for years — they're the only celebrities who treat the clothes with utmost respect.
When you borrow clothes from a friend, it's pretty standard to give 'em a big hug and wash it when you're done. But in the world of celebrity-designer loans, many celebs seem to consider it a favor on their part to be seen out and about in said clothing. That's not untrue, but it doesn't mean a little gratitude doesn't go along way in forming a relationship with a brand!
Luckily, the Knowles girls understand that completely. Apparently, whenever he lends them a little something, both ladies have the items dry-cleaned and returned to Singer in a box with a handwritten thank-you note. Our hearts...they're exploding. It might seem like the least you can do, but in a biz where the little people are trampled on a regular basis, it means a lot! (Coco Perez)
Photo: Courtesy of Rubin Singer.