It's not that Zosia Mamet isn't sexy. We all know she's a beautiful girl, and, most of all, a great actress. But, we're used to seeing her in either teeny-bop-conservative (yes, that's a thing) frocks on Girls or in carefully-sourced grunge in real life. So, you know what? We could get used to the red-hot number she wore on Jimmy Fallon last night, too. Pretty sure that won't be a problem.
As The Huffington Post points out, side boob is so last year. It's all about the full-frontal cutout these days. Of course, not one to take it too far, Mamet toned down the rest of the look with natural makeup and a characteristically messy-chic ponytail. The fact of the cleavage window, however, remains. It's a hard look to rock, but we think she's got it down to a science! Check out more (and trust us, there's a lot to see) after the jump. (The Huffington Post)

Image via The Huffington Post.