Monday Must-Watch: Hello Kitty Visits Outer Space!

It looks like one seventh grade Cali student has finally put all of those baking soda volcanos to shame. At 13-years-old, Lauren Rojas built a rocket ship propelled by a weather balloon, which traveled nearly 18 miles above the Earth's surface. In order to document the entire journey, she affixed a video camera to the contraption and gave classmates a rare glimpse of the world from the planet's Troposphere. But, get this: Not only did she successfully capture a cool POV, she also sent a miniature Hello Kitty doll and breast cancer awareness ribbon along for the ride. We're guessing this gal earned serious extra credit for creativity.
The experiment, which was created to study the effects of altitude on air pressure and temperature, hit a slight snafu when the weather balloon swelled to 56 times its original size and broke at 93,625 feet above the surface (check it out at the 2:15 mark!). The Sanrio star then plummets to the ground, and is later found 47 miles from the original launch site in a tree.
Trust, the dizzying display (the doll is literally spinning around in circles the entire time!) may be the coolest thing you witness this week — and yes, we realize it's only Monday! (LAist)

Photo: Via YouTube

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