By now, we're all familiar with the concept of photobombs. They happen on the street, at parties, in family portraits — a danger that always lurks around the corner. But we thought that Fashion Week, at least, was safe. Who could distract from the beauty of a runway shot? Better question: Who would even dare?
Well, it's happened. Or rather, it almost happened. Buzzfeed did a little sleuthing and found a rather noticeable difference between the unedited wire photos and Style.com's roundup of the Jason Wu shoe this week: A woman had the audacity to wear bright-yellow pants in the front row, so bright they were actually distracting from the models on the catwalk. But luckily, Photoshop was there to save the day! Style.com brought the pants down to a modest beige in its slideshow, allowing readers to appreciate the runway looks and saving audience outfits for the street-style photogs.
In a world where limbs regularly go missing in advertisements and skin is smoothed to the point of no return on magazine covers, it's a rare occurrence for digital alterations to actually seem necessary and logical. But this is one such occasion. As you can see from the above comparison, it actually is hard to focus on the task at hand with those neon brites calling your name in the background.
We hate to cramp this show-goer's bold choice, but we have to agree with Style.com here. Fashion Week is already so centered around street style and who's wearing what, that when the moment comes to finally appreciate designers' actual designs, we'd go to any lengths to make sure the runway gets the spotlight it deserves.
Photos (from left): MCV/Firstview; via Style.com.