This Is What Happens When A Hair Tutorial Goes Very, Very Wrong

When Andy Warhol was talking about everyone getting their 15 minutes of fame, we're pretty sure he was having a premonition about YouTube — it can make everyone from a grumpy cat to a drugged-out, post-dentist tyke into an instant star. Nowhere has that been more evident than with beauty tutorials, where girls with nothing more than a curling iron, a web cam, and a dream can suddenly have millions of followers and beauty brands knocking at their doors.
With YouTube making lucrative stars out of the likes of Michelle Phan and Keiko Lynn, you can't really blame Tori Locklear here for wanting to follow in their footsteps. Sadly, her tutorial superstardom was not meant to be — at least not in the way she had planned.
At first we laughed, but once we saw her look of astonishment fade into one of total distress, we immediately felt bad for her and her curling iron calamity. We mean, who hasn't secretly pondered this exact same nightmare scenario unfolding as they sleepily curled their hair in the wee hours of the morning? But Tori seems to have a pretty good attitude about the whole thing and handled it like a champ, so we've got to give her props for that — we'd be having a grade-A hissyfit right about now.
This has viral video written all over it, so we'd guess Tori is about three days away from a GMA appearance. Here's hoping you get a sponsorship deal out of this one, kid, or at least some really good clip-in extensions.

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